Are you earning enough salary? Use these tips to get your fair share

How do you know that you are earning enough salary? To begin with, how do you calculate your worth in […]


How do you know that you are earning enough salary? To begin with, how do you calculate your worth in an organization you work in?

There are many factors to consider given that when it comes to salary there is no exact yardstick to measure one’s actual worth.

Your salary is mainly determined by you. Yes, you! According to salary expert Sarah Suleman, “your worth in an organisation is generally all about what your employers perceive of you”.

She added that “you can spend all the time learning new trends and acquiring new skills but if your employers don’t see you demonstrating what you have learnt, then there is a high chance that your salary will remain the same”.

Suleman’s remarks are of importance since it is evident that those who showcase their skills to an employer get promotions and better salaries.

The aim is to show your employers that you are worthy of a certain salary bracket. It is not as easy as ABC to do this but you certainly need to make some plans.

The country’s per capita is sitting at R102,000.00 per year. And it surely doesn’t mean anyone should be comfortable earning this much.

Nor should you bow to the norms set by the job market, that dictates how much you should be paid for your profession.

There are managers who earn more than CEOs in the same or similar industries in South Africa. This sounds rebellious but you should know your worth.

How do you calculate your worth in a work environment?

Step 1: Look for evidence

You need to look for evidence of how well you are doing your job. It’s not easy gathering evidence as we tend to exclude some of the activities that we do in the workplace.

All things that you do in a workplace count and should not be taken lightly. With this approach, you will find that you are doing more than you might think.

Step 2: Track your work in real-time

Since you now want to know how much you are worth in the organisation you work in, you can write down your daily activities so that you can be able to track them.

Since you have evaluated your previous activities you will now monitor them in real-time. This will create a fresh and more reliable analysis of your activities.

Step 3: Talk to a salary specialist

Since you have gathered evidence of your activities in a workplace the next step is to talk to an expert.

You don’t want to reach a uniformed conclusion about your findings. According to Suleman ” a salary expert will give you a qualified conclusion based on your activities.

As a salary expert, I look at a number of things such as your work experience and years in the organization among other things.

Remember what is really important is how your seniors view you.”. If you can’t afford a salary specialist, you can visit sites like Payscale.

Step 4: Evaluate yourself

The salary specialist might have done an evaluation for you but you still need to involve your own final thought.

You know your employers more than salary experts so your input is much needed at this point.

What you account to your employers you know and what your seniors perceive of you you already know.

Now you are done with evaluating your worth to the organization, are you happy with the results?

If happy then the next thing you need to do is to ask for a salary increase or a promotion.

But, be careful and not bite more than you can chew, especially with a promotion.

Otherwise, if you are not happy with your results then there are a couple of things that you can do.

How to show your value at work

Show your worth by actions

They say action speaks louder than words, rather than being a big talk only you need to also demonstrate.

You need to show that you are suitable for the position you occupy. The company will want to see their return on investment in you.

If you prove that you are a worthy investment you might not even have to ask for a salary increase.

Upon review, the company might just increase your salary automatically or give you a better position.

Show your seniors all your work related accomplishments

You are hired to perform tasks and that’s what is expected of you. However, you need to let your employers/seniors know that you complete all your tasks.

If you complete your tasks and perform even more tasks than those beyond your purview it’s even better to let them know.

Sing your own praises

It’s unfortunate that your work might not speak for you. If you want to be recognized then you need to speak for yourself.

Be modest when you go about it and don’t be cocky. This will give you credit among your employers and whenever the time for salary negotiation arrives many doubts will disappear.

Get familiar with organization operations

Some organizations are far bigger than others and you might find that structures are complex.

You need to know the organisational structure which includes organisational chart and reporting structure.

By doing this you will know who to talk to and who you will need to display your achievements to.


It’s not surprising that many South Africans opt for lower salaries. This is attributable to the fact that the job market is overcrowded and many want to beat the competition at all cost.

However, this technique is rather unattractive to employers as it shows neediness and desperation.

First thing first you need to know your worth before you even start looking for a job. Be ready to say no if you feel like what you are offered is below you.

With all being said you don’t have to be greedy. Don’t confuse self-worth with greed, just make sure you earn what you are worth.

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