Miriam Matoma

Miriam is a freelance writer, she covers economics and government news for Rateweb. You can contact her on: Email: miriam@rateweb.co.za Twitter: @MatomaMiriam

Investors Await U.S. Inflation Data"

Rand Holds Steady as Investors Await U.S. Inflation Data

  • Market Stability Amidst Anticipation: The article highlights how the South African rand maintained stability in the face of global economic uncertainties, particularly ahead of the release of crucial U.S. inflation data. Despite prevailing market volatility, the rand demonstrated resilience, reflecting investor confidence in South Africa’s economic fundamentals.
  • Significance of U.S. Inflation Data: It underscores the significance of the impending U.S. inflation figures, which were anticipated to provide valuable insights into the future interest rate path of the Federal Reserve. Market participants closely monitored these data points, recognizing their potential impact on global currency markets, including the South African rand.
  • Oil Price Dynamics: The article also touches upon the rising trend in oil prices, with crude reaching $82.54 per barrel. It emphasizes how these developments added to market dynamics, with implications for inflationary pressures and broader economic trends, further influencing investor sentiment and currency market movements.

Rand Holds Steady as Investors Await U.S. Inflation Data Read More »

George Building Collapse

Tragic George Building Collapse Claims 21 Lives, Dozens Missing

  • Tragedy Strikes George: A catastrophic building collapse in George, South Africa, has claimed the lives of 21 individuals, leaving the community in mourning and shock.
  • Dozens Still Missing: Despite ongoing rescue efforts, 31 people remain unaccounted for, their fate uncertain as emergency responders navigate the rubble in search of survivors.
  • Community Resilience and Solidarity: In the face of immense loss, the people of George unite in solidarity, drawing strength from each other and the outpouring of support from neighboring communities and international partners.

Tragic George Building Collapse Claims 21 Lives, Dozens Missing Read More »

Makhanda Water Works

Makhanda Water Works Upgrades Miss Deadline, Costs Triple

  • Persistent Delays: Makhanda’s water treatment upgrade project has faced repeated delays since its inception in 2015, missing multiple completion deadlines, including the latest one in April.
  • Escalating Costs: Originally budgeted at R102 million, the project’s costs have soared to R393 million, more than triple the initial estimate, exacerbating financial strain amid ongoing delays.
  • Community Impact: The prolonged water crisis in Makhanda continues to impact residents’ daily lives, highlighting the urgent need for transparent communication, accountability, and solutions to address the town’s water shortages.

Makhanda Water Works Upgrades Miss Deadline, Costs Triple Read More »

South Africa's Internet Connectivity

Submarine Cable Faults Disrupt South Africa’s Internet Connectivity

  • Internet Disruptions: South Africa experiences widespread internet connectivity issues stemming from faults in submarine cables off the East coast of Africa, affecting both domestic and international connectivity.
  • Impact on South Africa and East Africa: Ben Roberts of Liquid Intelligent Technologies confirms that all subsea capacity between East Africa and South Africa is offline, leading to poor performance in online services for South African users and severe internet disruptions for East Africa.
  • Response and Restoration Efforts: Liquid Intelligent Technologies is actively addressing the situation, collaborating with industry partners and submarine cable maintenance teams to expedite restoration efforts. However, the complexities involved in repairing submarine cables highlight the need for robust contingency plans and enhanced collaboration among stakeholders in the telecommunications sector.

Submarine Cable Faults Disrupt South Africa’s Internet Connectivity Read More »

Lightning-Fast Delivery Service

Takealot Launches Lightning-Fast Delivery Service in Cape Town

  • Takealot has expanded its on-demand delivery service, TakealotNOW, to cover several areas in the greater Cape Town region, offering customers a curated selection of products delivered within an impressive 60-minute timeframe.
  • This expansion reflects Takealot’s commitment to meeting changing consumer preferences and habits, providing swift delivery and convenience beyond traditional grocery-focused services.
  • The integration of TakealotNOW into the Mr D app marks a significant milestone, enhancing convenience for customers and offering complimentary deliveries to TakealotMORE subscribers, reinforcing Takealot’s position as a leader in South Africa’s e-commerce landscape.

Takealot Launches Lightning-Fast Delivery Service in Cape Town Read More »

Tragedy struck Mumbai,

14 dead as giant billboard collapses in Mumbai storm

  • Tragedy strikes Mumbai as a massive 100-foot tall billboard collapses during thunderstorms, claiming the lives of at least 14 people and injuring 75 others.
  • Eyewitnesses recount the chaotic scene as the towering structure crashes onto nearby houses and a fuel station, raising concerns about infrastructure safety during adverse weather conditions.
  • The incident prompts urgent rescue efforts and calls for stricter safety regulations governing the installation and maintenance of large-scale advertising structures to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

14 dead as giant billboard collapses in Mumbai storm Read More »

"Putin Reshuffles Defense Minister,

Putin Reshuffles Defense Minister, Elevates Security Council Role

  • Key Leadership Changes: Russian President Vladimir Putin removed long-serving Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and promoted him to Secretary of the Russian Security Council, signaling a significant shift in Russia’s defense and security structure.
  • Elevation of Shoigu: Shoigu’s promotion to the Security Council acknowledges his contributions and grants him a pivotal role in shaping Russia’s security strategies, spanning defense, intelligence, and national security.
  • Appointment of Belousov: Andrei Belousov, relatively unknown internationally but reportedly close to the Kremlin, succeeds Shoigu as Defense Minister, raising questions about the future direction of Russia’s defense doctrine under Putin’s leadership.

Putin Reshuffles Defense Minister, Elevates Security Council Role Read More »

coal-fired power plants

South Africa Overhauls Coal Shutdown Plan to Secure Funding

  • Revised Timeline for Coal Plant Shutdown: South Africa has announced a new schedule for the closure of coal-fired power plants, aligning with international climate finance initiatives. The revised plan aims to secure $2.5 billion in funding under the Just Energy Transition Partnership.
  • Financial Assistance and Emissions Targets: The proposed adjustment to the decommissioning plan is linked to ambitious emissions reduction targets. If accepted, South Africa stands to gain significant financial assistance, including $500 million in loans from the Climate Investment Funds, facilitating the transition away from coal.
  • Comprehensive Approach to Energy Transition: The revised timeline outlines a comprehensive approach to the shutdown of coal plants, including discussions with Eskom to determine closures at other facilities. Funds will also be allocated to repurpose coal plants for renewable energy production and support alternative employment in coal-dependent communities.

South Africa Overhauls Coal Shutdown Plan to Secure Funding Read More »


Eskom Implements Innovative Solution to Combat Rampant Copper Theft

  • Eskom’s Costly Challenge: Eskom, South Africa’s state-owned power utility, faces significant financial losses due to rampant theft of copper cables, amounting to billions annually.
  • Innovative Solutions: To combat the pervasive theft, Eskom announces a strategic shift away from copper cables, aiming to deter criminals and safeguard critical infrastructure.
  • Complexity and Collaboration: Despite efforts to fortify security and enact legislation, the illicit copper trade persists, fueled by corruption and sophisticated networks. Stakeholders emphasize the need for multifaceted approaches and collaborative efforts to address this multifaceted challenge.

Eskom Implements Innovative Solution to Combat Rampant Copper Theft Read More »

"Rand Slides Against Dollar

Rand Slides Against Dollar Amidst Election Skepticism

  • Rand’s Decline: The article highlights the South African rand’s weakening performance against the US dollar, driven by uncertainties surrounding US interest rate cuts and investor caution ahead of the country’s elections.
  • Election Skepticism: Investor apprehension intensifies due to looming political uncertainty associated with the upcoming elections, further contributing to the rand’s depreciation against major international currencies.
  • Economic Implications: The depreciation of the rand poses significant challenges for South Africa’s economy, impacting sectors such as imports, exports, inflation, and overall economic stability, while also raising concerns about energy security amid surging oil prices.

Rand Slides Against Dollar Amidst Election Skepticism Read More »

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