Nedbank Group Unveils 2023 Integrated Report & AGM Notice, Emphasizing Financial Performance and Shareholder Engagement

  • Nedbank Group's 2023 Integrated Report showcases financial performance and sustainability initiatives, enhancing stakeholder transparency.
  • The Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) outlines critical agenda items and multiple participation options for shareholders.
  • Important dates, such as record dates, proxy submission deadlines, and the AGM date, are crucial for shareholder engagement.

Nedbank Group Limited

Nedbank Group Limited and Nedbank Limited, both incorporated in South Africa, recently released their 2023 Integrated Report alongside a Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM). This article delves into the key highlights of the report, the AGM’s agenda, and the significance of these events in the financial landscape.

Integrated Reporting: A Comprehensive Insight

The 2023 Integrated Report by Nedbank Group provides a holistic view of its financial performance, sustainability initiatives, and strategic direction. Through integrated reporting, the company aims to transparently communicate its value creation process to stakeholders.

Sustainability Efforts and ESG Initiatives

Nedbank Group’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. The report outlines the company’s progress in areas such as carbon footprint reduction, community engagement, and corporate governance practices.

Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM, scheduled for May 31, 2024, is a crucial event where shareholders will deliberate on key resolutions. The meeting’s hybrid format allows both physical and electronic participation, reflecting modern corporate governance practices.

Agenda for the AGM

The AGM agenda encompasses several critical agenda items, including:

  1. Approval of Financial Statements
  2. Declaration of Dividends
  3. Election and Re-election of Directors
  4. Appointment of Auditors
  5. Any Other Business

Participation and Voting Process

Shareholders have multiple options to participate and vote at the AGM, whether attending physically or using online platforms. The inclusion of telephonic facilities enhances accessibility for all shareholders, promoting inclusivity and engagement.

Important Dates to Remember

The AGM process follows a timeline of key dates:

  • Record date for AGM notice distribution: April 12
  • Notice of AGM distributed to shareholders: April 18
  • Last date for trading eligibility: May 21
  • Record date for AGM participation: May 24
  • Proxy forms submission deadline: May 28
  • AGM date: May 31
  • Release of AGM results: May 31


The release of Nedbank Group’s 2023 Integrated Report and the upcoming AGM signify a pivotal moment for stakeholders. The comprehensive insights provided in the report, coupled with the transparent and inclusive AGM process, reinforce the company’s commitment to accountability, sustainability, and shareholder value. As Nedbank Group continues to navigate the dynamic financial landscape, these events serve as milestones that shape its trajectory and stakeholder relationships.

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