Suppliers Alert: Beware Fraudulent Orders, Expert Tips

  • Warning Against Fraud: Department of Correctional Services alerts suppliers about increasing cases of fraudulent purchasing orders.
  • Deceptive Tactics: Scammers use fake RFQs, urgent demands, and false email addresses to trick suppliers into upfront payments.
  • Protective Measures: Suppliers advised to verify emails, avoid upfront payments, and confirm purchasing orders with the department.

Scam Alert

The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) has issued a stern cautionary notice to all suppliers within its departmental database, connected to the Central Supplier Database, about an alarming rise in cases of fraudulent purchasing orders. The move comes as scammers employ cunning tactics to deceive unsuspecting service providers, leading to potential financial losses and reputational damage.

In a bid to counter these unscrupulous activities, the DCS has underscored the urgency for vigilance and careful scrutiny of all procurement-related communication. The warning highlights the significant consequences of falling victim to such fraudulent schemes and outlines precautionary measures that suppliers can adopt to safeguard their interests.

The Modus Operandi of Scammers

The scam operates by tricking suppliers into either making upfront payments or submitting quotations for a variety of goods, creating a facade of genuine business transactions. One particularly concerning aspect is the use of fabricated Request for Quotation (RFQ) documents, seemingly sent from official Correctional Services email addresses. These fraudulent RFQ forms bear the department’s emblem and fictitious contact details of a supposed point of contact.

In a bid to exert pressure on suppliers, the scammers often label these solicitations as “urgent,” coercing them into speedy responses. This sense of urgency often blinds suppliers to the red flags that might otherwise have alerted them to the fraudulent nature of the request. The entire process is meticulously orchestrated, concluding within a remarkably short period.

Department’s Official Stance and Advisory

The Department of Correctional Services has unequivocally disavowed any involvement or association with these deceptive practices. In a strongly worded advisory, the department has urged all suppliers to exercise caution and restraint. It is recommended that suppliers avoid providing any services over the phone unless an original purchasing order is presented.

Of paramount importance is the Department’s firm stance against upfront payments. Suppliers are explicitly discouraged from succumbing to such requests, given the risks of financial loss. Instead, suppliers are encouraged to verify the authenticity of purchasing orders through direct communication with the department’s supply chain unit. This step is crucial prior to initiating any procurement activities or goods acquisition.

Enhancing Vigilance: A Call to Action

In response to this alarming trend, industry experts have emphasized the importance of vigilance and careful scrutiny. Ms. Thandiwe Mbeki, a seasoned procurement consultant, highlighted, “Suppliers must prioritize a meticulous verification process. Always cross-reference emails and communication details with official departmental sources. A diligent approach can prevent falling into the trap of these cunning scammers.”

To facilitate a robust verification process, the Department of Correctional Services has initiated steps to enhance its communication protocols. An official spokesperson indicated that they are exploring methods to incorporate digital signatures or other secure authentication mechanisms in their procurement-related correspondence. This would aid suppliers in quickly identifying the legitimacy of communication and thwarting potential scammers.

Educational Initiatives for Suppliers

Recognizing the importance of empowering suppliers with knowledge, the Department of Correctional Services has expressed its commitment to launching educational campaigns. These initiatives aim to raise awareness about the prevalent fraud schemes and equip suppliers with the tools to identify and report suspicious activities.

In addition to these campaigns, the department is considering organizing webinars and workshops to provide real-time guidance and responses to queries from suppliers. This proactive approach is lauded by industry experts as a significant step towards fostering a resilient procurement ecosystem that is fortified against fraudulent activities.

Table: Precautionary Measures for Suppliers

Precautionary MeasureDescription
Verify Email AuthenticityAlways double-check the sender’s email address against official departmental records.
Cross-reference Contact DetailsConfirm contact information provided in emails with known departmental contacts.
Scrutinize UrgencyExercise caution with “urgent” requests, especially if they demand immediate action.
Seek Original Purchasing OrderRefrain from rendering services without a legitimate purchasing order from the department.
Abstain from Upfront PaymentsAvoid making upfront payments as per the department’s advisory.
Directly Contact Supply Chain UnitCommunicate directly with the department’s supply chain unit to validate purchasing orders.


As the Department of Correctional Services sounds the alarm over the escalating incidents of fraudulent purchasing orders, suppliers are urged to remain vigilant and adopt robust verification procedures. The scammers’ tactics are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and their victims can suffer substantial financial setbacks.

By adhering to the advisory issued by the department, suppliers can help create an environment where fraudulent activities are identified and thwarted before causing harm. The collaboration between the department, industry experts, and suppliers is pivotal in building a resilient procurement landscape that is impervious to the deceitful machinations of scammers.

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